Sunday, June 10, 2012

Another Big Step for Women

Rosa Parks, 1955

Manal al-Sharif, 1955

Since that day in December 1955 when one black woman refuse to give up her bus seat to accommodate the white passengers, many women have followed suit in defying convention. That lady was Rosa Parks, and her decision to say NO when the bus driver commanded her to give up her seat to white passengers, has given so many people - women and men alike - the courage to fight back for what they believe is their right.

We have inspirational women all around us - women who dare say no when needed, knowing well how much trouble it would eventually get them into.

Today, The Success Chronicles says Kudos to Manal al-Sharif, for saying no to the traditional Saudi belief that women cannot drive an automobile without consulting her male guardian. This belief, which also bans women from listening to music has been practised in Saudi Arabia for generations. showcased the story of Al-Sharif, who was trained to belief that listening to music was a sin. One day, she decided to, without a male guardian's permission, listen to her brother's cassette, and the Backstreet Boys song "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" playing at that time sounded like a message she had always needed to hear. No more isolating herself in a lonely world - get out there and do something.

That one song, that one instance, gave her the courage she needed to go one step further in defying convention. She drove a car. And just to rub it in, she posted her endeavor on YouTube (

I think it is a big step for women all over the world. We are a nation of our own. Women all over, of all nations have their own stories, no matter where they were born, how rich or poor they are, their choice of careers or their decision to start families. And together, we must know how to find strength from each other's stories.

Today, Manal al-Sharif is the strength many of us need. She is not merely a woman who dared to stray from the norm - she is a message to all us ladies out there, to be brave, be bold and to defy convention - because we can, and because sometimes, we must. Fight for what you believe is true. Fight for what is your right.

Thanks Manal - you have taken another big step for us women all over the world.
Thanks for being an inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. Made my heart swell up a little more. Thanks Sharm!
